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написал 6 сентября 2016 в 13:21 [ Назад ]

Red Star Trains.

Red Star Trains.

To the north of Budapest on the main lines into the heart of the city is a working railway yard. Within this yard is a vast crumbling locomotive shed containing a MÁVAG class 424 locomotive, numerous carriages and some other smaller steam trains.

We understood access to the shed, whilst possible was very difficult and even if we managed to gain entry we would only have a small space of time inside. The shed itself is surrounded by the offices and workshops of the Hungarian State Railway as well as many small businesses. Rather than climbing over fences and running across live railway tracks we decided to adopt a more brazen form of access. We drove to the main gate with a mind to try and talk our way past security. The guard took one look at our UK registered Land Rover (yes we had driven to Hungary) and raised the barrier!
We drove round for a few minutes and decided to park right outside the shed. As you can see our visit was most successful. Getting lost on the way out (it was a big yard) we stumbled across another 424 sitting by the side of a track under some trees!

Red Star Trains.

Red Star Trains.

Red Star Trains.

Red Star Trains.

Rob о себе:

I am 47 years of age and live in the United Kingdom. I have been exploring abandoned spaces since 2008. I no longer explore in the UK and spend all my free time exploring Europe and beyond. Last year I travelled to Moscow for 10 days. I have a fascination with all things relating to the cold war and in particular the USSR. In 2017 I am planning to visit Sochi and Abkhazia. I wish to register so I may share my experiences with like minded individuals, especially those from the regions I visit (I have made many good friends in most of the countries I have visited). The second, it is easy to look at a map and find an object, it is also easy to discover the history behind these objects, it is impossible to visit them in advance to ensure they are still in existence. It would be good to be able to present my findings and plans to people such as you and get confirmation I am not travelling 1000's of miles to find a pile of rubble.