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Rob Cannon написало 7 сентября 2016 в 16:56 [изменен через 18 часов] [ Назад ]

Эстония. Кладбище летчиков

As with all of our European adventure Estonia started with the image found on Panaramio. Image was what appears to MIG tail fin sticking out of the ground. That it would have been had the cemetery Air Force Amari. The complex is located in a small town (Amari) in Harju are the graves of Soviet pilots who died in the fighting during the Soviet occupation of Estonia. I would like to think that the tail unit were taken from the dead pilots of the aircraft, but I doubt that this is so.


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Господин ПЖ fukurukudzu написал 7 сентября 2016 в 17:00
And this post is not a "Объекты", this is "Туризм". :) "Объекты" - you creep into shit and urine in a hole under the fence. Infiltration, man. "Туризм" - like tourism and photo's of abandoned garbage
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Виртуал Алкоеда trashed25 написал 7 сентября 2016 в 17:46
fukurukudzu: to be more precise, "objects" category is for spots where you've been illegally, and tourism is for the places visited oficially or legally.
Виртуал Алкоеда trashed25 написал 7 сентября 2016 в 17:48
It's a pleasure to see that urban3p is at last becoming more or less international! Welcome :) Hope you'll like it here. If you have any questions concerning the resource or anything, I am at your service :)
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Rob Cannon Kingrat написало 8 сентября 2016 в 09:50

Thank you. I try to use Google translate for my synopsis but it is not always accurate. In fact I fear I may have offended some on here with my poor Russian. I may use English and let others use Google T instead :)

This is one of the best UE forums I have come across and feel honoured to have been invited.
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Виртуал Алкоеда trashed25 написал 8 сентября 2016 в 11:17
Kingrat: there's no problem with your poor russian, as everybody realises that you don't have to know it well. On the contrary, it looks very nice of you to translate your synopsis, even if it has some mistakes, it is still pretty understandable, so that's ok :)
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