Сиологен жирно спалился в Лондонском метро и заодно снял фильм. Крайне рекомендую тем, кто интересуется не только российской подземкой.
Из описания запала:
Hearts rapidly speeding up again, we tentatively headed northbound and stepped into the western tunnel, our shoes crunching even while sneaking along its trackless gravel floor. There were others now down here, further north near Holborn. They were yelling in loud authoritative voices... and they had dogs, yelping and barking, likely freaked by the unusual surrounds. We stopped and waited in the dark, the awareness that the Police were down there with us dawning as those very Police made their way towards us. We'd guessed by now that the sirens outside were those of the cop cars pulling up outside the abandoned station, so with no real way of escaping, we just sat back and waited.
Two coppers came round the bend, jovially talking to each other and waving their torches around. I stood up n raised my hands... then all hell broke lose.
'On the fucking ground!Get on the ground, on the ground or you'll get this gas in your face! Nowwwww! Hands behind your back, nowwww!'
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